Jean-Marc Moura
Visiting Professor
Duration of stay: July 2023 and April 2022 - June 2022
Jean-Marc Moura is Director of the Department of Contemporary Literature at the University of Paris Nanterre. As an expert on comparative literature and postcolonial theory, his research and publications have contributed to innovations in literary studies, demonstrating the important role the field can play in area studies. He has offered significant critical insights into the notion of transatlantic literary studies, both as a scholar and novelist. For more on his publications, awards and achievements, follow this link.
In the second part of his visiting professorship in July 2023, he is contributing to the conference Métamorphoses du réel dans la littérature francophone, taking place from 6-8 July, which is organized by ScienceCampus board member Jochen Mecke.
On 2 May 2022, during the first part of his visiting professorship, he gave a lecture as part of the CITAS and ScienceCampus lecture series Frictions and Transformations of Globalization on "Francophone literatures as migrant literatures. Between a postcolonial and a global history of literature". In Regensburg, he also taught a block seminar: Esthétique des littératures francophones. De l’exotisme au postcolonial dans les littératures de langue française. During the first part of his stay, he produced a contribution to the ScienceCampus online lecture series with the vhb - Bavarian Virtual University, exploring the varities of Francophone literatures in the context of (de-)colonization and world literature.