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Partnerships & Fellowship Programme

The Leibniz ScienceCampus Europe and America is funded by the Leibniz Association to promote collaboration between IOS and the University of Regensburg. It brings together various centres and institutions working in area studies across the disciplines to develop innovative, interdisciplinary research. The project also contributes to the internationalization of research and teaching in Regensburg through support for a network of international partnerships with institutions across Europe and the Americaa. The partners in Regensburg and internationally are outlined below.

Since the second phase, from October 2024. the ScienceCampus also enjoys formal partnerships with German institutions, namely the Leibniz Institute for the History and Culture of Eastern Europe (GWZO), Leipzig, and the Bundeswehr Center for Military History and Social Sciences (ZMSBw), Potsdam, while also expanding its international network.


Incoming & Outgoing Fellowship Programme

The ScienceCampus offers outgoing visiting fellowships  to postdoctoral researchers, faculty members (PD, Akad. Rat/Rätin, etc.) and professors based at IOS and UR to travel to our international partners, listed below. The ScienceCampus offers financial support towards travel costs, accommodation and some related fees for stays of two weeks to one month at our partners. The current call for applications is open until 31 May 2025.

We welcome applications to our incoming visiting fellowship programmefrom our partner institutions. The ScienceCampus can fund stays lasting two to four week in Regensburg for professors, faculty members and postdoctoral researchers. The ScienceCampus has two deadlines per year for receiving applications from our partner institutions: 31 May and 30 November. It may be the case that our partners have different internal deadlines and calls for applications. Please contact your institution or the ScienceCampus team for more information: Please click this link to find out more about the requirements for applying.

For researchers from other institutions working on regions and themes relevant to the Regensburg Leibniz ScienceCampus, other funding opportunities are available. Please contact us for more information.


Participating Institutions in Regensburg

The Spanish Research Centre - Forschungszentrum Spanien - El Centro de Estudios Hispánicos

The Spanish Research Centre - Forschungszentrum Spanien - El Centro de Estudios Hispánicos - is part of the Institute of Romance Studies at the University of Regensburg. The Centre promotes research and teaching on Spain and the Spanish-speaking world. By supporting events such as lecture series and film festivals, it also engages the broader public in discussing issues relating to Spain and Latin America. The Centre is a partner in the MA in Intercultural European Studies and the binational BA German-Spanish Studies.

Denkraum Ukraine was founded in 2024. Funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) for four years, the Centre for Centre for Interdisciplinary Ukrainian Studies - Denkraum Ukraine (DU) - bundles the expertise available at the University of Regensburg in the fields of history, literature, language and culture, economics, politics and and law of Ukraine, making it available to audiences within and beyond academia and presents it to the outside world. It has a strong network with social actors, the media and other academic centres.


The Department for Interdisciplinary and Multiscalar Area Studies developed from CITAS - the Center for International and Transnational Area Studies (CITAS), which was founded in 2017 as a platform for coordinating and developing collaborative area studies activities between institutions, projects and colleagues in Regensburg. DIMAS is continuing this academic tradition with six permanent professorships. Find out more about the concept and ideas shaping DIMAS here.

GSOSES - Graduate School for East and Southeast European Studies

The Graduate School for East and Southeast European Studies offers excellent interdisciplinary doctoral training in the field of East and Southeast European Studies. We believe that East and Southeast Europe is an especially interesting region because of its frequent transformations, its heterogeneity, and its particular entanglements with other regions. Better understanding of this region’s past and present while communicating this knowledge to the public is what motivates us.

The primary objective of GS OSESUR is to advance research on East and Southeast Europe by training a new generation of scholars. Our doctoral fellows and postdocs enjoy an international and interdisciplinary research and training environment, which also integrates specialists working on other world regions. Our broad international network is a source of vital innovation and intellectual stimulation.

The GS OSESUR continues the doctoral programme that was established and jointly organized by LMU Munich and the University of Regensburg (2012–2019) as part of the German Excellence Initiative. Since 2020, GS OSESUR has been financed by the Universität Regensburg and the Free State of Bavaria.

The Leibniz Institute for East and Southeast European Studies is one of the largest and longest-standing non-university research institutes in Germany on the region. Its research focuses on interdisciplinary projects working across history, economics and the social and political sciences, while also supporting numerous publication series and journals, doctoral and postdoctoral programmes, guest researcher programmes and event series. Thematically, the research agenda at IOS focuses on Path Dependence, Change and Contingency, the Concept of the SocialInstitution, and the Relationship Between Continuity and Discontinuity as Guiding Research Perspective.
IOS is also home to one of the largest research libraries on the region.

Regensburg European American Forum (REAF)

The Regensburg European American Forum (REAF) was founded in 2008 by the Chair of American Studies, Prof. Dr. Udo Hebel. Since 2013, Prof. Hebel has been President of the University of Regensburg.
REAF is dedicated to transnational American Studies in research and practice, serving as the central international and interdisciplinary platform for collaborative research, academic exchange and cooperation, political intervention, and public outreach in the field of European American Studies at the University of Regensburg.
Drawing on its interest in transnational areas, trajectories, and entanglements, REAF fosters cutting-edge research in European-American relations, interactions, and crossroads and their multifarious historical, cultural, and political dimensions. REAF hosts visiting scholars from all interdisciplinary areas of American Studies and organizes special lectures and conferences with nationally and internationally acclaimed speakers. It supports innovative interdisciplinary BA-, MA-, and PhD-programs in American Studies and European-American Studies with international courses, graduate research roundtables, and an MA / PhD exchange program with the University of Kansas.

Universität Regensburg

, founded in 1962 as the fourth Bavarian regional university, is a modern campus university at the southern edge of the Old Town of Regensburg. Originally designed as a regional university, Universität Regensburg has developed into a renowned international centre of teaching and research over the last decades. Among its attractive features are a broad spectrum of disciplines, a favourable student-teacher ratio and excellent infrastructure. There are currently more than 21,000 students enrolled at Universität Regensburg.
Besides teaching, Universität Regensburg is also very actively involved in research, as shown by six special research areas supported by the German Research Society (DFG), DFG Research Units, graduate schools and its participation in research initiatives and EU projects, among others. Very close ties within as well as between the areas of research – university and non-university – are a typical feature of Universität Regensburg.
This will be furthered through the ScienceCampus, a collaboration with the Leibniz Institute IOS. One of the University's strategic reserach foci is area studies, a field which is central to the ScienceCampus.

seeFField stands for A small but fertile field: strengthening Southeast European Studies in Regensburg, an Area Studies initiative that will run for seven years with the financial support of the Volkswagen Foundation, under the programme World Knowledge – Structural Support for ‘Rare Subjects’ (Weltwissen: Förderung für Kleine Fächer).