Meet the Visiting Researcher | Natalia Khanenko-Friesen (Edmonton)
When? Tuesday, 24 October 2023 - 16:15-17:30
Where? Room 017, IOS, Altes Finanzamt (Landshuter Str. 4)
This event is open to all. No registration is required.
Join us on 24 October, 16:15 at IOS, for an informal meet and greet with ScienceCampus visiting Researcher Dr Natalia Khanenko-Friesen, Director of the Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies at the University of Alberta, Edmonton. During this session, students, researchers and staff will have an opportunity to learn more about her work and the activities of the Institute that she leads.
Natalia Khanenko-Friesen is a visiting researcher at the Leibniz ScienceCampus. She will be here from 15 October to 14 November, working closely with Guido Hausmann and other colleagues at IOS and the University. Her visit is part of a seed money initiative that looks to establish a broader partnership between Regensburg and the CIUS at the University of Alberta.
During her time in Regensburg, she will also give a talk on 7 November (16:15 at IOS) on Testimony Research in post-2022 Ukraine: Mapping the Field.