Research Colloquium | Monika Wingender (Giessen): Types of Language Conflicts - with a Focus on Russia and Ukraine
On 12 May, 14:15, in Altes Finanzamt Room 319, Monika Wingender of the University of Giessen will present a highly pertinent talk on linguistic conflicts in Russia and Ukraine, drawing on her extensive expertise in the field.
the lecture will be held in English
Research on linguistic conflicts in Eastern Europe form part of a long-standing tradition. Studies of language conflicts have typically been based in research addressing of bi- and multi-linguality, with language conflict studies seen as part of language contact studies. Because this rather narrow approach cannot do justice to the diversity of linguistic conflicts, the focus in the first part of this lecture will be on outlining a broader model of linguistic conflict studies. A key aim of my research is to develop a typology of linguistic conflicts. What this requires is a multifactorial model that encompasses four types of linguistic conflicts that will be explored with attention to points of overlap and correlation. The second part of the lecture will draw on cases from Russia and Ukraine to illustrate these types of linguistic conflicts.
Abstract in the German original:
Forschungen zu Sprachenstreits im östlichen Europa haben eine lange Tradition. Bisher sind Untersuchungen zu Sprachkonflikten im Rahmen der Zwei- und Mehrsprachigkeitsforschung verortet, und die Sprachkonfliktforschung wird als Teil der Sprachkontaktforschung gesehen. Da dieser enge Zugang den vielfältigen Typen von Sprachkonflikten nicht gerecht wird, liegt der Fokus im ersten Teil des Vortrags auf der Entwicklung einer breiteren linguistischen Konfliktforschung. Ein zentrales Anliegen ist dabei die typologische Erfassung von Sprachkonflikten. Das dazu entwickelte multifaktorielle Modell umfasst vier Typen von Sprachkonflikten, die in ihren Überlappungen und Korrelationen analysiert werden. Die Sprachkonflikttypen werden im zweiten Teil des Vortrags an verschiedenen Fallbeispielen aus Russland und der Ukraine erläutert.
Monika Wingender is professor of Slavic linguistics at the Justus Liebig University, Giessen. She has an extensive research record in studying linguistic conflicts. Most recently, she has co-edited with Daniel Müller the volume Language Politics, Language Situations and Conflicts in Multilingual Societies. Case Studies from Contemporary Russia, Ukraine and Belarus (Wiesbaden, 2021).
When? Thursday, 12 May 2022, 14:15 CET
Where? Room 319, Landshuter Str. 4, 93047 Regensburg
The research colloquium is organized in cooperation with the Graduate School for East and Southeast European Studies (GS OSESUR).