Lunchtime Talk | Klára Vedlichová (Prague) | Bridging the Past and the Future: Implementing Digital Humanities Perspectives
When? Wednesday, 5 February 2025, 12:00
Where? Room 017, Altes Finanzamt, Landshuter Str. 4
We are delighted to invite you to a presentation on the innovative projects carried out by the Center for Digital Humanities Integration (C4DHI) at Charles University, Prague. C4DHI pursues the mission of ushering current realities of indispensability of the “digital” dimension of research and education in area studies and modern history at IMS. Through close collaboration with partner research institutions specialized in the technological aspects of DH applications, it seeds and nurtures transdisciplinary methodological integration in four key pillar activities: (1) internal DH skill and capacity building; (2) external DH expertise influx and networking; (3) direct DH application in research and publishing; (4) integration of DH into the study curriculum.
Klára Vedlichová is a Ph.D. student in Area Studies and a researcher at the Department of Russian and East European Studies at the Institute of International Studies, Charles University. Her research focuses on the perception of the communist regime and Nicolae Ceaușescu in contemporary society, as well as nostalgia and memory transformations. She also explores post-communist transformation and democratisation processes in Central and Eastern Europe, with a particular emphasis on Romania. She is the co-founder of the Centre for Digital Humanities Integration (C4DHI) at the Institute of International Studies, where she teaches innovative research methods in digital humanities at the BA and MA levels. In addition to her academic work, Klára serves as the Event and Office Manager at the Peace Research Center Prague.
Organised by:
IOS Regensburg, Leibniz ScienceCampus, Graduate School for East and Southeast European Studies