Lecture Series: 'Entangled Inequalities': Transregionale Perspektiven auf soziale Ungleichheiten (Sérgio Costa)
Sérgio Costa (Berlin) traces the historical, transregional, multidimensional and intersectional factors that contribute to inequality, with the African diaspora in Latin America providing a case study showing the relevance of an entangled approach to inequalities.
'Entangled Inequalities': Transregionale Perspektiven auf soziale Ungleichheiten
Soziale Ungleichheiten werden in der Ungleichheitsforschung fast ausschließlich als lokale oder nationale, ahistorische und unidimensionale (Einkommensunterschiede zwischen Individuen) Phänomene untersucht. Empirisch reflektieren soziale Ungleichheiten stets historische, transregionale, multidimensionale und intersektionale Verflechtungen. Im Vortrag wird zunächst der Ansatz der verwobenen Ungleichheiten (“entangled inequalities”) dargelegt, der versucht, konzeptuelle und methodische Zugriffe auf verschiedene Ungleichheitsverflechtungen zu entwickeln. Die Plausibilität des Ansatzes wird im zweiten Teil des Vortrags anhand von Untersuchungen zu verwobenen Ungleichheiten im Kontext der afrikanischen Diaspora in Lateinamerika diskutiert.
'Entangled Inequalities': Transregional perspectives on social inequalities
Social inequalities have been investigated in the field of inequality studies almost exclusively as local or national, ahistorical and unidimensional (income differences between individuals) phenomena. Empirically speaking, social inequalities always reflect historical, transregional, multidimensional and intersectional entanglements. This lecture, first of all, sets out the “entangled inequalities” approach, which attempts to further develop conceptual and methodological tools for investigating different entanglements of inequalities. The plausibility of the approach will be demonstrated in the second part of the lecture that presents research on entangled inequalities in the context of the African diaspora in Latin America.
Sérgio Costa is Professor of Sociology at the Institute for Latin American Studies and the Institute of Sociology of the Freie Universität Berlin. His research interests include social inequality, cultural differences and democracy, and racism and anti-racism.
When? Thursday, 24 June 2021, 18:15 CET
Where? Online via Zoom, https://uni-regensburg.zoom.us/j/69616083914, Meeting ID: 696 1608 3914
The lecture series "Rethinking Area Studies and Space from the 'Global South'? Post/Colonial Perspectives and Glocal Challenges" offers a multiperspectival reconceptualization of area studies and relevant concepts of space in dialog with the 'Global South'. It is organized together with CITAS. Find the full programm here.