Graduate Masterclass | Jeffrey Olick (Virginia) Collective Memory between Ethics, Regret and Manipulation
9 November 2022, 14:00–18:00, SG. 214 (aka CITAS)
Sociologist, historian and memory studies expert Jeffrey Olick will be giving a masterclass for master's students and PhD researchers. Please register with REAF by 3 November
REAF is happy to join PUR and the Leibniz ScienceCampus in cordially inviting MA students and PhD candidates to a
Masterclass for Master Students and PhD Candidates Collective Memory between Ethics, Regret and Manipulation with Prof. Dr. Jeffrey Olick, Professor of Sociology and History, University of Virginia, and
Co-President of the Memory Studies Association (MSA)
Please register at until 3 November 3 2022!
Participants will be asked to read a short introductory text by Jeffrey Olick, who will be giving a short impulse talk before discussing the text and participants' projects.
Jeffrey Olick is coming to Regensburg as the Keynote Speaker at the annual conference of the Postgraduate Forum in the German Association of American Studies on "Remembering - Transnational Memory Cultures and American Studies", taking place in Regensburg 10–12 November. Please find further information here: The lecture is also part of the joint Graduate School-ScienceCampus research colloquium. His keynote talk takes place on 10 November at 19:00 in PT 3.0.79 (Großer Sitzungssaal).
Prof. Olick's stay in Regenburg is generously supported by the Universitätsstiftung Hans Vielberth.
Please feel free to circulate this invitation among interested MA students and PhD candidates.