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We are hiring | Pre-Doc Position (65% FTE) starting 1 April

The ScienceCampus is pleased to offer a 65% FTE pre-doc position. The position is limited to one year and has a salary at TV-L E13 level. The deadline for applications is 30 November 2024. The aim of the position is for a promising early career researcher to develop a competitive doctoral project that could secure external funding to purse a doctoral degree at UR or IOS. The proposed project should further the ScienceCampus research agenda. Our interdisciplinary focus covers themes including cultural translations; security, peace and conflict studies; political transformations; migration studies; trade and economic cooperations; and reflections on the theory and praxis of area studies.

The full details of the position are avaialble here on the UR website, with the call for applications available in German (Stellenausschreibung PDF) and in English (PDF).
