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15 July | ScienceCampus Early Career Research Networks: Funding Launch and Idea Workshop

When? Monday, 15 July 2024, 12:15–15:00

Where? Room S. 214 (Sammelgebäude, UR) & Online via Zoom:

The ScienceCampus will be funding early career research networks from early 2025. 22,500 EUR of funding is available for each network. There will be an information event on 15 July at 12:15 online (Zoom Link) and in person, offering an opportunity to learn more about the ScienceCampus, the calls, past experiences with such initiatives, and to network with potential collaborators. No registration is required. The event is open to all including potential postdoctoral network lead applicants, as well as further participants in the Networks at all career levels - doctoral researchers, postdocs, professors and all other researchers at IOS and UR. You can find the calls for applications here in German and English. The deadline for full applications is 30 November 2024, with expressions of interest invited by 15 September 2024.


  • 12:15 Introduction
  • 12:25 KNOW:IN & MS ISLA – CITAS Research Networks Retrospective
  • 13:30 Meet the ScienceCampus: Info about the call for applications and research agenda
  • 14:15 Idea Workshop & Internal Networking

Since 2019, the University of Regensburg (UR) and the Leibniz Institute for East and Southeast European Studies (IOS) have hosted the Leibniz ScienceCampus Europe and America in the Modern World (LSC). Starting in October 2024, the project will enter a second funding phase, continuing its efforts to develop better understanding of European-American connections and entanglements, historically and today. It brings together multidisciplinary expertise from across the humanities and social sciences, including cultural studies, history, political science, law and economics, with a focus on diverse regions of the Europe and the Americas.

In the second funding phase, the ScienceCampus will fund two international early career research networks, each up to a total of 22,500 EUR. The networks aim to offer a flexible platform for innovative interdisciplinary research and cross-border exchanges furthering the empirical, methodological and theoretical agenda of the LSC. The networks are to be led by two Regensburg-based postdoctoral researchers (people with at least a PhD but no professorship), each for a period of two years. Further members can include doctoral researchers, other postdocs and professors, both from Regensburg and from national and international partners, including those of the ScienceCampus. You can find the calls for applications here in German and English. The deadline for full applications is 30 November 2024, with expressions of interest invited by 15 September 2024.

We would like to invite you to a launch and information event on Monday, 15 July, to be held in person at room S. 214 (Sammelgebäude, UR) and online. Here you will have an opportunity to learn more about the ScienceCampus generally and the call for applications. The LSC initiative draws inspiration from two early career research networks successfully supported by the Center for International and Transnational Area Studies (CITAS) at UR between 2020 and 2023. Representatives of those networks will be at the event on 15 July, sharing insights into their experiences and what they have achieved. The event will also provide an opportunity to network and brainstorm with potential collaborators, developing ideas and sharing expertise.
