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Meet & Greet | Claudia Sadowski-Smith - LSC & REAF Visiting Professor

When? 12:00, Thursday 29 June

Where? Room 214, Sammelgebäude, UR

REAF and the Leibniz ScienceCampus Europe and America in the Modern World cordially invite you to a Meet and Greet with Leibniz Science Campus Visiting Professor Prof. Dr. Claudia Sadowski-Smith (Arizona State University) on Thursday, 29 June 2023, 12:00, in SG 2.14 at the UR.

Claudia Sadowski-Smith is Professor of English and American Studies at Arizona State University. She is the author of The New Immigrant Whiteness: Neoliberalism, Race, and Post-Soviet Migration to the United States (New York University Press, 2018) and Border Fictions: Globalization, Empire, and Writing at the Boundaries of the United States (University of Virginia Press, 2008). She is the editor of Globalization on the Line: Culture, Capital, and Citizenship at U.S. Borders (Palgrave, 2002) and of three special journal issues--on the cultures of global postsocialisms, comparative border studies, and postsocialist literatures in the United States. In addition, Sadowski-Smith has published on climate migration, comparative histories of US migration, transnational adoption, and transnational reality TV.

The Meet and Greet offers an informal opportunity to network with Prof. Sadowski-Smith, learn more about her research, and the institutions she is associated with, both in American and English studies and with respect to East European Studies, such as the Melikian Center.

We are looking forward to seeing you there!
