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Incoming Fellowships

Next deadline: 31 May 2025 for fellowships in 2026/27

The Leibniz ScienceCampus is delighted to welcome visiting researchers from our international partner institutions to Regensburg as part of our incoming fellowship scheme. Participants should have at least a PhD and be employees of the partner institution.

What we offer:

Research stays lasting between two and four weeks. Visiting fellowship holders receive a lump-sum stipend of 4,500 EUR for a one-month stay (equivalent to 2,250 EUR for two weeks, 3,375 for three weeks). We do not provide additional funding for travel costs or accommodation. The ScienceCampus team and UR Welcome Center can provide information on finding accommodation.  We provide a working space and access to the Regensburg research libraries as part of the fellowships.

Anyone interested in applying, can contact the Regensburg ScienceCampus team – campus@europeamerica.de – for more information.

How to apply:

Our partner institutions have different ways of allocating the incoming fellowships – some have their own internal deadlines as part of calls for applications. Please enquire with the ScienceCampus team or with your institution directly about the procedure.

The ScienceCampus has two deadlines per year for receiving applications: 31 May and 30 November.

We ask partner institutions to send us applications by these deadlines. The applications received in each round will then be assessed by members of the ScienceCampus Board and Steering Group. We will endeavour to ensure that each partner institution receives a proportional number of fellowships. This selection format with deadlines replaces the previous rolling basis for allocating visiting researcher stays.

Each application or nomination should include:

  • A covering letter outlining the reasons for applying, including an indication of how a research stay will help develop both your ongoing research and also the research agenda of the ScienceCampus
  • An outline for an event or talk in Regensburg: this could be a classic research lecture; a public talk; or a workshop aimed at developing research skills or conceptual competence; or any other format you deem relevant. Please include a title, abstract, the target audience and, for workshops, expected length.
  • A CV including a list of publications.

Applications should also indicate a preferred time to visit Regensburg and the proposed length of stay (between two and four weeks).

What we ask of you:

Visiting researchers are expected during their stay to give at least one talk or workshop and contribute to the broader research activities of the ScienceCampus and its partners in Regensburg. We also expect fellowship holders to make themselves available to mentor early career researchers during the stay and to be available to network with senior colleagues, with a view to developing further networks, publications or applications for funding.

Each fellowship holder should also within six months of completing their stay contribute to one of the sustainable output formats of the ScienceCampus: the Frictions Blog-Journal or the emerging Areapedia open encyclopedia and living handbook. Alternatively, we invite you to record material for an online lecture series with the Bavarian Virtual University during your stay. For inspiration, see our first lecture series with the vhb.

If the fellowship made a substantial contribution to you writing a publication, you should mention the funding of the ScienceCampus in the acknowledgements. Please contact our team for details of the wording.