Brownbag talk | César Díaz-Carrera | 28 June, 12:15 | Food for Thought: How the “hard sciences” can assist social sciences to stay right on course while becoming useful change agents
When? Wednesday, 28 June 2023, 12:15
Where? PT 3.0.76
In the last decades we have been witnessing an incrase in prestige of the mathematically based "hard" Sciences to the detriment of the humanistic Social Sciences. The royalties generated by the patents from the former´s research are one cause for such a discrepancy. In fact, though, both kinds of sciences are critical for the individual upgrading and for the general wellbeing of our societies.
After analysing our current predicament, we shall explore how both can -and indeed should- cooperate, thus balancing Technology and Humanology, for better personaland collective results.
César Díaz-Carrera, a current Visiting Fellow of the ScienceCampus, is the founder of Public Leadership studies at the School of Political Science, Complutense University, Madrid, where he teaches "The Political System of the European Union" and "Creative Leadership". Former professor and Director of Studies at the "Collège Universitaire d´Etudes Fédéralistes", he lectured and taught in numerous public and private organizations and universities, including the University of California at Berkeley, and RCC- Harvard University.
Author of more than fifty publications in different languages and of three documentary films on Creative Leadership for the Spanish public television, he has also been a political analyst at the Spanish public radio. Seminar director, lecturer and workshop facilitator, Dr. Díaz-Carrera is also an international consultant on Creative Leadership, Government and Organizational performance. And on Personal and Team Creativity. Beyond his work in the social sciences and management studies, he is also an award-winning poet. You can find his full CV here.