Lecture Series: Unmapping the 'Global South': Reflections on a Heuristic Concept (Sinah Kloß)
In the first lecture of the "Rethinking Area Studies and Space from the 'Global South'" series, Sinah Kloß (Bonn) offers a critical overview of the concept of the 'Global South', exploring the problems and controversies that are associated it with, as well as its potentially empowering function.
WeiterlesenResearch Colloquium: Negotiating Non-Territorial Citizenship: The Polish Consulate in Harbin during the Second World War (Kathryn Ciancia)
On 15 April 2021, at 16:15, we welcome Kathryn Ciancia to the research colloquium, which the ScienceCampus organizes in cooperation with the Graduate School for East and Southeast European Studies. Her Zoom lecture explores the idea of non-territorial citizenship, looking at the Polish consulate in Hardin, China, during WWII.
WeiterlesenAbschlussdiskussion: Europa und Amerika 2021 - wohin?
In der Abschlussdiskussion der Ringvorlesung "Special Relations Revisited" diskutieren Prof. Dr. Lora Anne Viola (John-F.-Kennedy-Institut) und Dr. Jana Puglierin (European Council on Foreign Relations) mit Dr. Gerlinde Groitl (UR) über die Zukunft der europäisch-amerikanischen Beziehungen.
WeiterlesenResearch Colloquium: Transatlantic and Comparative Perspectives on Financial Crises in the Second Half of the 19th Century (Catherine Davies)
In the final session of this semester's Research Colloquium, Catherine Davies (University of Zurich) explores the transatlantic history of financial crises in the 19th century.
WeiterlesenLecture Series: Looking at post-Soviet Eurasia from Europe and the US: Divergences of perspectives and shared visions (Marlene Laruelle)
Leading expert on Russian, Eurasian and transatlantic relations Marlene Laruelle will explore the consequences of policies towards Eurasia for broader transatlantic relations and the international order.