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Call for Applications

The ScienceCampus invites applications from colleagues at IOS and UR for its outgoing fellowship programme. We welcome applications for trips to take place between now and July 2027. You are required to submit a CV with publication list and a statement outlining your reasons for applying. Please note that this programme is not open to doctoral researchers. You must have at least a PhD to apply.

Please complete the form on our website by 31 May 2025. A German version of the form can be found here.

The applications will be assessed by the Board of the ScienceCampus. Successful applicants will be expected to submit a contribution to the ScienceCampus’ Frictions blog-journal or to other outputs involving the project.

The aim of the programme is to provide colleagues with an opportunity to develop their own research, and ideally the research agenda of the ScienceCampus, at a leading international institution. The ScienceCampus can cover travel and accommodation expenses. No per diem (Tagegeld) will be awarded. Successful applicants will need to have the fellowship approved as a business trip (Dienstreise).

Colleagues from partner institutions are welcome to apply for an incoming fellowship at any point. Please contact the ScienceCampus team for more details on how to proceed.

If you have any questions, please contact the manager of the ScienceCampus Paul Vickers at campus@europeamerica.de

Application Form

The deadline for this round of applications is 31 May 2025. The fellowships of up to one month will be awarded for the period until July 2027.

The outgoing fellowship programme of the Leibniz ScienceCampus Europe and America is open to professors, faculty members with at least at PhD and postdoctoral researchers at UR and IOS. You will need to submit a CV and a short statement, explaining why you would like to visit a particular partner institution. You should demonstrate the relevance for your own research and the strategic development of the ScienceCampus, including its central research themes. If there are particular colleagues or centres you would like to collaborate with or particularly relevant archival or library collections, or opportunities to conduct fieldwork, at the location you wish to visit, please mention this in your statement.

Selected fellows will be expected to represent the Leibniz ScienceCampus together with UR or IOS while at the partner institution, contributing to the strengthening of Regensburg’s international research network. If requested by the partner institution, you should contribute actively to the activities there. Upon your return, you should also make a contribution to the ScienceCampus’ blog-journal Frictions.

The Leibniz ScienceCampus can contribute to travel costs, accommodation and fees related to the fellowship. It may not always be able to cover all costs incurred as part of the fellowship. A daily allowance (Tagessatz) will not be awarded.

The applications will be reviewed by the Board and Management of the ScienceCampus. There are a limited number of places available at each institution, thus we might suggest alternative destinations.

Please select only one option. Please note that UCL SSEES (London) is not available in this call due to the number of existing outgoing fellowships to that destination.
Please give a rough estimate (April 2026, winter 2026, summer semester 2027, etc.). The latest possible date is July 2027. We will launch another call for the period after that. Please note, you must be employed at UR or IOS at the time of travel to receive a fellowship.
Please enter a period between two and four weeks.
If you have an extensive publication record, please include only the most relevant and/or most recent works.
1-2 pages, PDF only. Please outline why you would like to visit the selected institution. Please mention why the visiting fellowship would be relevant to your research and to developing the objectives of the ScienceCampus. If there are particular colleagues or centres, as well as archives or libraries, based at the location you wish to visit, please mention this.
Please mention any other relevant information, such as if you would require financial support for childcare while on a fellowship or have any requirements relating to health issues or disabled access. Any details will be treated confidentially.
I hereby agree that I have voluntarily submitted my personal data (Name and E-Mail address) solely for the purposes of registering for the above-named event. My data may be collected and processed by IOS for the purpose of creating an attendance list.
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