Speaker Series: SECURITY – STRATEGY – WAR: Europe and America in the Modern World
Join Gerlinde Groitl in welcoming a series of renowned speakers addressing the theme of Security, Strategy, War in the Modern World on Tuesdays throughout the winter semester 2023/24
Speaker Series on Transatlantic Security Issues
This series is organized by Dr Gerlinde Groitl, associate professor in International and Transatlantic Relations at UR and co-coordinator of the ScienceCampus Research Module Transatlantic political transformations.
When? Tuesdays 14:00–16:00
Where? Room VG. 2.38 (Vielberth-building) or via Zoom
31 October 2023 | 14:00–16:00 | Zoom
Joachim Krause (Kiel): Deutschlands strategische Blindheit und die Rolle der Universitäten
5 December 2023 | 14:00–16:00 | VG 2.38
Gerline Groitl (Regensburg): Russland, China und der revisionistische Angriff aug die liberale Ordnung
19 December 2023 | 14:00–16:00 | VG. 2.38
Lisa Geltinger (Regensburg): Der Iran und seine Proxies im Mittleren Osten
9 January 2024 | 16:00-18:00 | H24
Lt. Gen. (ret). Ben Hodges (former Commanding General US Army Europe): War in Europe: Ukraine
30 January 2024 | 14:00–16:00 | VG. 2.38
Hubert Zimmermann (Marburg): Militärische Missionen und ihre Rechtfertigungen in Geschichte und Gegenwart