Speaker Series | 19 June | Jari Vilén (Finland's Ambassador for Barents and Northern Dimension): Security in Europe: The View from Finland
Where? Via Zoom Link, below
When? Monday, 19 June 2023 - 14:15-15:45
The ScienceCampus and Dr. Gerlinde Groitl look forward to welcoming you on Monday 19 June at 14:15 to 15:45 for the next public talk in the speaker series on transatlantic security issues "(In)Security: Europe and America in the Modern World". The talk takes place via Zoom. https://uni-regensburg.zoom.us/j/66400360203?pwd=enNsZCtqN2FhWVRqRzFOMkpTM1I0QT09
This week's speaker is Jari Vilén, Finland's Ambassador for Barents and Northern Dimension at the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland. He will discuss Finland's perspective on European security questions.
Prior to assuming his current position in March 2020, ambassador Vilen served as a Senior Advisor in Arctic policy matters in the IDEA, the in-house think tank of the European Commission serving Commission president. He has also served as Finnish ambassador to Hungary and Poland, EU ambassador to Council of Europe and his career included two terms as a Member of Finnish parliament and minister of European Affairs in the Finnish government. Ambassador Vilén is from Lapland himself and has worked extensive with Nordic and Arctic matters in his previous career. Ambassador Vilén hold Master of Education Degree from University of Oulu and he has studied EU politics in the Trinity College, Dublin.
You can find more details of the series here.