Research Colloquium | Maria Rakhmaninova (St. Petersburg, Tbilisi) Left Feminism in Russia 2010-2022
On 8 December 2022 together with the Graduate School (GSOSES UR) we welcome Maria Rakhmaninova to our research colloquium . She will give a talk, in English, titled "Left Feminism in Russia 2010-2022: Between Gender Studies and Activism." The event takes place via Zoom. The link can be found below.
The early 2010s in Russia were marked by new aspirations and milestones in the development of feminism. This was due, on the one hand, to the intensive and diverse reception of foreign sources on gender theory, and, on the other, to the emergence and rapid intensification of new authoritarian tendencies in Russian social and economic policy. Among other currents, the left wing of feminism deserves special attention: socialist feminism, Marxist (Trotskyist) feminism, and anarcho-feminism. The talk examines the main features, peculiarities and problems of this spectrum of feminist thought and practice and attempts to outline their path and current state.
When? Thursday, 08 December 2022, 14:15
Where? Online via Zoom (Meeting-ID: 998 9704 9917, Kenncode: 302314)
Oberseminar der Professur für Geschichte Russlands und Ostmitteleuropas in der Vormoderne (LMU München), Frauenbeauftragte der GS OSESUR, Professur für Slavisch-Jüdische Studien (UR)