Lecture Series: Oran, Alger, Sétif: Raumsemiotik bei Hélène Cixous, Kateb Yacine und Mohammed Dib (Isabella von Treskow)
Isabella von Treskow (Regensburg) explores the spatial semiotics, spatial-temporal tensions and significance of affect in decolonization discourse relating to France and Algeria.
WeiterlesenDiscussion - Mediating Area Studies as Public Knowledge
In this online series, doctoral researchers, postdocs and faculty in Leipzig, Marburg and Regensburg discuss the range and limits of Area Studies today, present their latest research in the field and debate pressing issues in scholarship and beyond. The fourth in the series addresses how area studies research and expertise can more effectively reach the public through new and established media. The aim is to bring academics, researchers, journalists and curators of other media together in…
WeiterlesenLecture Series: "Wir" und "Ihr": Sprachwissenschaftliche Perspektiven auf den sozialen Raum im Migrationskontext (Silke Jansen & Lucía Romero Gibu)
Silke Jansen & Lucía Romero Gibu (Erlangen) explore how approaches in linguistics can be used to trace how migrants from Hispanic America have experienced acts perceived as verbal violence in encounters with German institutions.
WeiterlesenResearch Colloquium: The Postcolonial and the Postsocialist Revisited, or A decolonial view of the post-soviet human condition (Madina Tlostanova)
In the second session of this semester's research colloquium, Madina Tlostanova (Linköping) explores decolonial thought in post-socialist and post-colonial spaces. The research colloquium is organized in cooperation with the Graduate School for East and Southeast European Studies.