ScienceCampus Recommends: Denkraum Ukraine Panel Discussion | A Just Peace for Ukraine? Positions on a Current Debate
Date: 24.03.2025
Time: 19:00
Location: M26, Maximilianstraße 26, Regensburg
Language: English
WeiterlesenCfP | Post-Cold War Transformations: Navigating Conflict and Cooperation in Eastern and Southeast Europe
| Call
6th Graduate Workshop of the GS OSES at the University of Regensburg in cooperation with the Leibniz ScienceCampus, Conflict and Cooperation in Eastern Europe and IOS Regensburg.
WeiterlesenGuest Lecture | Gintarė Malinauskaitė (Vilnius) Transatlantic Childhood: Children’s Mobility, Nation-State Building, and Lithuanian Migration in the United States in the late 19th and early 20th Centuries
When? Tuesday, 11 March 2025 | 14:15
Where? Room 017, IOS, Altes Finanzamt, Landshuter Str. 4
WeiterlesenScienceCampus Recommends | Klaus Buchenau (Regensburg) Lateinamerikanisch-osteuropäische Beziehungen. Ein Bericht aus der Forschungswerkstatt
Wann? Mittwoch, den 5. März | 19:30 Uhr
Wo? Evangelisches Bildungswerk, Am Ölberg 2, 93047 Regensburg