Call for Papers | Workshop "Competing Sovereignties"
The deadline for proposals for the workshop "Competing Sovereignties", which is aimed at graduate students and early career researchers, is September 19th, 2021. The event is organized by the Graduate School for East and Southeast European Studies at the University Regensburg in cooperation with the ScienceCampus.
WeiterlesenChapter Workshop for Doctoral Researchers - 16 July 2021
This event is obligatory for all ScienceCampus doctoral researchers. You should submit a chapter of around 20 pages and an outline of your thesis by 28 June 2021. More details below.
WeiterlesenLecture Series: 'The Global South goes North': Von "négritude" (Césaire, Senghor) zur "raison nègre" (Mbembe)
Jochen Mecke (Regensburg) explores how the reappropriation of once derogatory concepts can lead to a reconfiguration not only of relations between black and white populations, but also of the relations of Global North and Global South.
Weiterlesen2021 Prize for Outstanding Master's Theses in Area Studies - Call for Entries
The Leibniz ScienceCampus Europe and America and CITAS have launched the second edition of the Prize for Outstanding Master's Theses in Area Studies at UR. The prize promotes the development of research and teaching with relevance to area studies in the fields of social sciences, humanities, law and economics. Students can apply until 31 October 2021.
WeiterlesenLecture Series: AI Area Studies and the Global South (Andreas Sudmann)
Andreas Sudmann (Regensburg) explores how a fruitful exchange between area studies and artificial intelligence (AI) could emerge, in particular in the context of the Global South.