Guest Lecture | Jeannette E. Jones (Nebraska) Microhistory & the US in the World: The Case of Dr. B. F. Wilson, 1865–1920
Join us for a talk by ScienceCampus and REAF visiting professor Jeannette E. Jones talk on Dr. Benjamin Franklin Wilson's extraordinary journey from Civil War surgeon to expatriate Indian Ocean plantation owner. She highlights the hidden narratives of U.S. power and mobility in the New Imperialism period through a microhistorical approach.
When? 17:00, Wednesday, 3 July
Where? Room S. 214, Sammelgebäude, UR
WeiterlesenScienceCampus Recommends: Liegt die Zukunft der Zeitzeugenschaft im Digitalen? Podiumsdiskussion
After our discussion on the forgotten women of Aichach on 20 June as part of the speaker series on intersectionality, join our colleagues from Zentrum Erinnerungskultur for more debates on memory culture, this time on its digital futures.
Where? UR, H24 (Vielberth)
When? 20 June, 19:00
WeiterlesenSpeaker Series | 20 June, 16:15 | Jacoba Zapf (Frauenforum Aichach-Friedberg) | „Die vergessenen Frauen von Aichach“: Die Geschichte der Frauen in der nationalsozialistischen Strafanstalt Aichach.
When? Thursday, 20 June, 16:15–17:45
Where? S. 214, Sammelgebäude, University of Regensburg