News and Events
CITAS Brownbag Session with Chloé Chaudet and Sebastian Herrmann
ScienceCampus Visiting Fellow Chloé Chaudet is joined by Sebastian Herrmann (UR) for a CITAS Brownbag Session on conspiracy fictions on June 21.
Read moreLecture Series: Balkan und Südosteuropa, und Beyond: Wie eine Region sich selbst sieht (Ulf Brunnbauer)
Ulf Brunnbauer (Regensburg) examines the intersecting insider and outsider perspectives on Southeastern Europe and the Balkans, including area studies, that produced different spatializations of a seemingly peripheral region.
Read moreResearch Colloquium: Warum tolerieren Autokraten kritische Medien? (Florian Töpfl)
Florian Töpfl (Universität Passau) spricht im Forschungskolloquium über die Rolle von kritischen Medien in autoritären Staaten.
Read moreLecture Series: 'Follow-the-Hurricane-Geographies': Geographische Impulse für Area Studies am Beispiel der Karibik (Johannes Bohle)
Johannes Bohle (Flensburg) looks at ways of bringing area studies and geography into fruitful dialogue when it comes to tracing the emergence of Modernity, global-local entanglements and asymmetries in knowledge production. Hurricanes offer a productive case study for this.
Read moreLecture Series: Wie Russland seinen Süden entwarf (Mirja Lecke & Oleksandr Zabirko)
Mirja Lecke & Oleksandr Zabirko (Regensburg) examine how Russia's imperial expansion created diverse North-South relations regarding Ukraine and the Caucasus, while Russia itself was framed in shifting East-West constellations.
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