News and Events
Lecture: Unofficial Ambassadors? Military Spouses in the Transatlantic World (Katharina Gerund)
For the lecture series "Special Relations Revisited" Katharina Gerund (FAU Erlangen) takes a closer look at the role of "Military Spouses in the Transatlantic World".
Read moreArea Studies and the Challenges of the Digital Era - Online Discussion
This is the third event in the Area Studies Under Discussion series. In these online events doctoral researchers, postdocs and faculty in Leipzig, Marburg and Regensburg discuss the range and limits of Area Studies today and present their latest research in the field. On 18 January 2021 we will discuss the effects of digitization on area studies and what the field can contribute to the digital turn.
Read moreResearch Colloquium: Forging Global Fordism (Stefan Link)
In third session of this semester's Research Colloquium Stefan Link will discuss his book Forging Global Fordism: Nazi Germany, Soviet Russia, and the Contest over the Industrial Order (Princeton UP, 2020), in conversation with Ulf Brunnbauer. This will be accompanied by a lecture on the Great Depression as a moment of global change.
Read moreVortrag: Leonid Klimov (Dekoder) - An der Schnittstelle zwischen Wissenschaft und Journalismus, oder Freude an der Komplexität
Der Leibniz-WissenschaftsCampus "Europa und Amerika in der modernen Welt" lädt Sie herzlich zum Online-Vortrag von Leonid Klimov (Dekoder) am 12. Januar um 14:00 ein: "An der Schnittstelle zwischen Wissenschaft und Journalismus, oder Freude an der Komplexität." Im Vortrag wird Leonid Klimov das dekoder-lab Projekt vorstellen. Es wird eine anschließende Diskussion zur guten Praxis in der Wissenschaftskommunikation geben.
Follow-up workshop on research communication and outreach with Leonid Klimov (Dekoder)
The lecture and discussion on 12 January 2021 outlined key issues relating to the intersection of academic research and journalism in the context of efforts to promote research communication, i.e. making aspects of research available not only to academic audiences. In his talk, Leonid Klimov, co-founder of the Dekoder platform, underlined the joys of working with complexity: making the complexity of the world understandable and dealing with the complexity of finding successful formats and…
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